Castro steps down

Out of context: Reply #9

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  • rafalski0

    I was sure Castro was dead as I was planning to go there over a year ago. Probably locals suspected it too. Then 2 days before our arrival in Cuba they showed him with Chavez, so the tension was gone.
    Obviously people were both hoping and fearing he'd go.

    A taxi driver in Havana told me people believed Fidel was truly devoted to comunismo and the country. Why? Because he wore a field uniform and went out and talked to people. Raul wears suits and enjoys luxury, he's corrupt. Just as if Fidel wasn't living in luxury..

    The way they used icons like Che or Hemingway, the way they made not only Cubans, but millions of western people believe US embargo was the reason Cubans struggled with poverty is both a history's joke and a lesson to all professional liars (a.k.a. politicians).
    Fidel was a master of propaganda. Even his first name was a PR masterpiece.

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