Bad Design "Critique".

Out of context: Reply #60

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  • VectorMasked0

    This is something we get a lot at work.

    us: so regarding the aesthetics,...we think... (interrupted by client)
    client: ...just make funky, you know..., like kinda cool looking.
    us: ok, but tell us your idea of what "funky" is to you and your particular audience. Or show us some material with that style.
    client: well, you s-e-x-y. something that when people see it they like boom! whoa! that's funky!
    us: ok, but everybody has a very different idea of what funky, sexy or cool is. Help us out a bit. Describe what you mean with "sexy" and "funky". We can't just try to guess what you want during the process. We can work with the trends and your overall audience's likes and dislikes. But we need you to be a bit more descriptive with what you know about you and your audience.
    client: umm...ok sure, By sexy i mean "some thing radical", something that makes you wanna get out fo the couch go like "whoa!", that's sweet!!!
    us: (some just stare at the clients in shock and other's look at each other and communicate with telephaty about how horrendous the next couple of weeks will be working the clients as there will be endless revisions and won't make the deadline.

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