This is BS

Out of context: Reply #14

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  • harlequino0

    This reminds me of the time in high school our marching band (fuck you, don't laugh at me) was summoned to play for Bush (the first one) at some hanger. I had just sunk 100 of my hard earned money into a spiffy new Walkman (remember those). It was really small, had a digital readout, and a ton of little buttons on it. It looked like a bomb.
    I stood sweating, grasping my Walkman in the security line as two kids form the band were hauled off for frisking and questioning, and they had nothing on them. I carefully handed my tape player to the main Secret Service guy. More kids were being hauled off and searched. He took one look at the Walkman and said "Hey that's neat, go on in" and handed it back to me.

    • I was a 'band fag' too... I even marched in the Holiday Bowl. :)PonyBoy
    • High five? Um, no actually, let's not.harlequino
    • *empties spit valve on harlequino's shoePonyBoy
    • * pointing and laughing at you - band geek

      kidding :D
    • It's uncanny. The term "band fag" to this day produces automatic acid reflux in me.harlequino
    • Especially if you follow it up by throwing a football at me. Hard.harlequino
    • dude, Daney Carey was on the Drumline.morilla
    • I was in the band for a while too. But we didn't have a marching band. We practiced marching once and it was HARD.Jaline
    • HARD.Jaline

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