Monkey Magazine

Out of context: Reply #8

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  • Studiospooky0

    I went life drawing on Tuesday night. It was in the basement of a pub so you could buy a drink and go downstairs to sketch a beautiful naked girl... great idea... and she was very very pretty. Anyway, I'm no good with booze - and especially bad since I haven't been out on the lash since my daughter was born 19 months ago - but even so I'm a lightweight... anyway so its a tiny room and this lovely girl is mere centimeteres away in the nude pulling poses on a makeshift bed. Two pints in, and I almost succumb to a sudden impulse to go and lie on top of her... it was quite a scary moment, but it seemed such an intimate and welcoming scene... I'm not even sure it was a sexual impulse... it was maybe just a passing desire for physical proximity, but bugger me I was literally a gnat's whisker away from smothering the poor girl in front of ten strangers all sat round drawing her.

    I reckon one more pint and I would have been able to justify it as a natural and legitimate course of action. I'd have been dry-humping her leg after five pints.

    • haha... class. not sure if i should shake your hand or feel sorry for you ;)Raniator
    • I suppose that would depend on whether I got away with it. If she welcomed me with open arms?...!Studiospooky

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