XML: java, xsl, css?

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  • mike0

    I would say that what technology you use really depends on the purpose of your content. XSLT is great if you plan to output data to multiple platforms and devices, but if it's all for a browser, always a browser, then it's kind of a waste of time.

    As for what to use to parse it... well, that would depend on your platform requirements and the requirements of your project environment. If the likelihood of using JAVA for a client is slim to none, then learning the process in JAVA seems a bit unnecessary right?

    The XML handling in PHP is getting much better and the XML handling in ASP is pretty nice as well. I would talk to Mitsu about the tools he might use for this in an ASP environment. If you want to stay open-source, then why not stick with PHP. After all, you know the language already.

    Good luck and it would be great if you could document your process and discoveries to share with others.


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