Creative Dir. vs. Art Dir.

Out of context: Reply #52

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  • PonyBoy0

    Welcome Killerqueen!!!!

    What the hell have I done?

    lolz... killerqueen... thanks for the morning entertainment.

    To clarify:
    I just took a new gig... and the owners are now calling me the C.D.... and not one of the A.D.'s (who sit and create / research all day... then hand off to whoever)..

    ... you see... my new contract says: Art Director... which is all I've ever really done... create the look and feel... BUT... I also implement/produce everything which probably just makes me a designer/production lacky (in the eyes of KillerQueen)... at the same time... I also source a lot of shit to the 'right people' and manage it (the C.D. aspect of things)...

    ... regardless... I have a wonderful understanding of the diff. between the two... I was curious to hear to what others had to say as I know I'm far from alone in the world of working w/primarily sales/marketing people... I will pay closer attention as to how I word shit in the future so as to not confuse obviously self-centered angry folx such as killerQ.... who have nothing to show for themselves but stupid blog sites...

    I still love Rand... btw.

    • there, thereRand
    • *sigh...
      Rand... you're like... my online father figure.
      Who wants to be my mommy?!
    • PonyBoy, you can find it on Ebay! lolakrokdesign

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