Out of context: Reply #14

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  • 58 Responses
  • Point50

    Here's the run down on how it happens Daro:

    20 (or whatever the number it is) sign up, are chosen or whatever to participate in this challenge-of-the-print-deadline call "whateverPE". You are to produce a piece (poster, painting, silkscreen, photograph, etc...) for the 19 other people that are signed up, plus a print for the powers that be (QBN), so about 20 prints all together; there could be more. There is a deadline date to mail these prints out. Within about 2 weeks, you should** receive 19 unique prints int he mail.

    **Unfortunately, as the case is/was with the last Print Exchange, there might be a significant amount of people who don't do their prints at all. To quote Seff "just because the site has a new name doesnt mean half the muther fuckers that sign up wont flake out like bitches."

    I am posting this out of guilt, for I am one of those "bitches". I have never had the intention of not sending the prints out, I just got mad busy at the time that it started, then broke, then absent minded and irresponsible and didn't get them done. IT'S BEEN LIKE 13 MONTHS DAMMIT!!!...

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