Flash question

Out of context: Reply #4

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  • 6 Responses
  • fyoucher10

    Yeah, my suggestion above should work...altho...you 'do' have code that triggers next frame, so it 'might' be possible to clear the interval and go to the next frame at the same time since your interval is so low. What I would do is add a boolean value to your proceed function that checks whether to advance to the next frame or not. ie. var isProceed:Boolean = true; and then in ur func check if that var is true or false before going to next frame. The button would switch the boolean value on clicks (ie. isProceed = !isProceed;). Also, I wouldn't duplicate that function and variable declaration in every frame. Just create a function to call the interval and call that function every time you want to instead of recreating the same code for all 10 frames. If you want to have a different interval value at diff occasions, just pass a parameter into that function. Hope that helps.

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