Wire Tapping

Out of context: Reply #67

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  • PonyBoy0

    **Begin Essay**

    It took Ben Franklin WEEKS to mail a letter to England...

    ... today he could IM Crouwel and have a font packaged and in his inbox in under 30 seconds (pending on how drunk Crouwel was of course)...

    My point?

    ... if Ben were alive today, Dobs... he'd rethink his stance...

    ...he was fighting to start a nation...

    ... it seems that the fight now is to keep that nation together...

    ... and I'm not proposing a police state of big-brother tactics... but there are times when it's necessary to tap a few fucking phones under good suspicion FFS!!

    So my phone accidentally gets tapped and someone hears me having phone sex or worse... ordering a pizza!!!


    Like I said... 'terra' is real... Don't you think (figuratively) that's it's 'okay' to 'tighten your belt' from time to time...
    ...so it may be loosened MOST of the time.

    'Perfect' does not exist... be reasonable.


    Bush was right to say (years back) that this 'fight' would continue long past his term... he was right about that.

    You know how you have to spend money to make money?... you know how you have to give up a weekend to maybe... oh... clean the house... do some laundry etc etc...

    ... my point is that you constantly have to 'go back' and adjust in order to maintain for the long-run... sometimes that adjustment requires you give up something you 'cherish' if for only a 'moment'...in order to get it back...

    ...and I think Ben would agree knowing how easily information can move these days.

    **End Essay**

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