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Out of context: Reply #5

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  • lofielectronic0…


    My favorite quote...


    Screen burn


    Taken for a ride

    Charlie Brooker
    Saturday June 25, 2005
    The Guardian

    This heatwave's sending me crackers. Night-time's the worst. Since I live in London, I can't sleep with the window open in case someone crawls in and kills me with a bit of railing or something. So it's humid. The air tastes like it's been strained through a hot leotard. I lie sleepless, thrashing like a fallen horse, tortured by stuttering flashbacks from this week's television, convinced the apocalypse is nigh.
    Yes, I'm a hair's breadth from becoming the sort of person who stands shirtless at the side of the road, shouting into traffic about the forthcoming end of the world - and it's somehow due to television, to shows like Pimp My Ride UK (Sun, 10pm, MTV) which leave me seriously questioning the human race's grip on existence.

    Article continues



    The original Pimp My Ride is an American import in which a team of butch mechanics (under the aegis of rapper Xzibit) perform extreme makeovers on clapped-out automobiles. This British incarnation is exactly the same. Well, almost. Instead of Xzibit we're lumbered with the preposterous Tim Westwood, a white fortysomething son of a bishop whose interminable "wigga" stance inspired Ali G. Watching him in action is like watching a sequence in a crap Hollywood comedy in which Leslie Nielsen has to black up and infiltrate a record label. "

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