NFL 2007

Out of context: Reply #185

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  • k0na_an0k0

    no worries point5. actually, if berrian hadn't dropped the ball that hit his shoulder pad (very catchable) i think the bears could have actually won the game. that was really the turning point.

    then he goes on to drop 2 more very catchable passes. urlacher looked horrible in the second half. on one play he's going for the qb, looked like it was going to be a sack and he turns and hits the center and romo scoots around. wha!?!

    archeletta... wow... horrible.

    i gotta take detroit next week as rex has to sit all week getting murdered in the press wondering about his position. mentally he's gone for the season.

    gotta give it up to romo and the team. they played really well.

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