PVN Anthology IV

Out of context: Reply #1038

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  • Crouwel0

    Jaline...this is just the beginning, you have to meet someone first. For maki, this is all information to get him to the beginning, meeting and sleeping with girls...where it goes from there, it just gets complicated. We are just pushing him out of the nest to see if he can fly, at the very least he'll get laid, at the very best he will find the best friend he's ever had, and he'll have to go shopping a lot, watch stupid movies and constantly have to utter the phrase, "no...you're NOT fat." If he's lucky he'll end up with someone to roll up in a big blanket on a couch with, drinking some wine, and watching the Goonies while it's snowing outside.

    (Sep 13 07, 15:45)

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