PVN Anthology IV

Out of context: Reply #1033

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  • Crouwel0

    Apparantly the appearance dispelled rumours that he was dead..
    Until he opened his mouth, whereupon, revealing he honestly believes that the universe is created and overseen by some kind of vengeful, bearded, bitter man (who sounds awfully like a lot of maniacal, nasty people here on earth), it was shown that he was in fact, like all theists, dead from the neck up.

    Fucking god-sqadders, NOTHING but trouble. Wars wars wars, judgement, meanness, unintelligable crap from 5000 years ago, dont put your cock here, dont think this, dont eat that. Just fuck off, the lot of you, christians, muslims, whatever, argue it out amongst yourselves in a big field, the rest of us that actually thought about the issue for more than 10 fucking minutes have got better things to do, like cleaning up the pissing stinking mess and misery you've wrought upon the world since time-immemorial. Seriously, I will not respect your right to fucking pompously tell me what to do whether you're in a cave with a dyed beard and a rag on your head, or a government building with dyed hair and a rag round your shoulders, you're all much more like each other than you are me, and Osama - yes I am the worst of the infidels, an atheist, so please put me at the top of your list, you weird little virgin rich boy.

    (Sep 9 07, 20:57)

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