OBEY post by lowendtheory

Out of context: Reply #52

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  • tommyo0

    So you're logic is that the minute someone outside your circle of friends knows about you then you can no longer be considered underground?

    And that selling your clothing through smaller less accessible outlets is the same as selling your clothing at WalMart?

    I guess I think that's extremely restrictive of the terms 'underground' and 'sellout.'

    When I asked if he had done anything lately that says that he's still anti-establishment...the way I should have phrased it is 'Has he done anything lately that says he isn't anti-establishment anymore?' - to that I would point to his signature on big box corporate retailers.

    It's a good discussion. I just feel that if you build your brand on a certain ideal, then its harmful to your brand when you discard that ideal for the dollar bill. Makes it less about art and expression and more about large bank accounts.

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