Site critique

Out of context: Reply #10

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  • 21 Responses
  • k0na_an0k0

    a couple things.

    you're about me page. put "border=0" in the
    (Aug 10 07, 05:28)

    ah shit man. i put a html code in my post. 3/4 of it got cut off.

    you're having some issues on mac ff.

    you have some black spaces going on all over the place.

    your blog looks really clean and tight, and i like the color scheme, i would suggest doing the whole site in that look. it's really sharp.

    also. the 'about me' text. that kinda silly stuff has been going on for years and i don't think you'll remember, but exador wrote a really funny one for me a long.... LONG time ago that i used in my portfolio for a while. it's silly. a lot of designers were doing that many moons ago. might want to re-think it.

    good start. keep pushing.

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