Rough Trade

Out of context: Reply #7

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  • TheBlueOne0

    Look, what I'm saying is, back in the mid 90's when I managed a mom-and-pop independent store, we'd buy cd's from wholesalers and the wholesale cost was $11-12 on new releases..sometimes it was $13 we'd sell them at 16.98/17.98 and we lost customers in droves..kmart, walmart and tower would sell them at our cost or fucking below. Drove a store that had been in business since 1967 out of business. The markup on cd's sucked, and it was worse on vinyl and singles at the time. It hasn't gotten any better and far more people get stuff online than at that time.

    It's a dead dead industry.

    If Rough Trade (funny I remember ordering from them back in the early 90's!! Their prices were even worse!! Well, bc they were imports and they didn't take returns from retailers so you'd be stuck with the crap)..well if they're planning alternate revenue streams like coffee and fish n chips and edgy punk rock clothing, cool..but they're not going to survive selling 7" Vinyl records to the "sool kids".

    Fuck, I'm a music-o-phile and I haven't bought a cd in over two years.

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