freelance gig advice

Out of context: Reply #15

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  • mikotondria20

    that's some sweet AS3 portage there, sir - fair play..
    Seeing it does still further my unending nag of what to specialize in and to what extent - there's only so much time you can spend learning one aspect of the biz to any depth, and I think one much underrated and unexamined skill of being a freelancer is balancing your reparte and skillsets such that it takes you in the direction that interests you long-term, whilst having enough other current skills to ensure you're not short of work..
    I'm pretty competent in php/sql-ness, as2.0, after effects/cinema4d, which can be very useful when you get a project that calls on maybe 3 of those.. Obviously would love to develop my as2 to 3 for artistic works and bread and butter coding - what sort of timescale would I be looking at to become properly competent in as3.0 in your opinion ? 2mths, 6 ?

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