< why buy a mac?

Out of context: Reply #88

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  • Point50

    I worked on both PCs and Macs for about 9 years; then my last 2 jobs have been strictly Mac. This computer I'm working on right now is a G4 that bought back in 2001, and it's still kickin ass. I've never had to re-install anything on this puppy (knocks on wook); I love it! I am not a Mac cultist by any means. Did I get an iPhone on day one? Yes (but I only waited in line for about 40 mins hehe). This thing kicks ass. As far as my opinion about iPods, I've had 4 (bought one that got replaced 3 times under warranty) and they all shitted out on me... I've never once thought about purchasing another one, aside from this one that I have in my phone that I have yet to even consider using.

    Cultists, well, I don't know what to say about these consumer (in this case Apple) cultists... one stance I do have is that Apple has been dogged out by the masses for so many years, now it's Apple's time to shine and share in the mainstream profit; and there's those who feel like their loyalty gives them the right to gloat over these things, similar to the way a sports team fan would say "We won last night 12-9". Even though that person has absolutely nothing to do with the athletic performance of that team they feel a connection.

    Bottom line, I don't hate PC; no reason to. IF you're the average consumer or are brand new to the world of computers, then I could see the turmoils of falling victim to the vicious marketing of these companies. But if you have a head on your shoulders, know what you need/want then the choice is up to you. If you bash someone for their personal choice of OS or hardware then you might as well have a bootleg sticker of Calvin pissing on an apple, or a penguin or some flying dynamic window pasted on the hood of your laptop or side of your CPU.

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