< why buy a mac?

Out of context: Reply #33

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  • ian0

    Its all about selling products. I know that and I think we all do. Sure apple has a whole 'think different' marketing approach or whatever they're using to sell their wares now. Most companies have some kind marketing approach to buy into a lifestyle or a way of working.

    Apple has its fanboys for sure and sleeping out for a week for a new phone is just crazy, I like apple products but Im not gonna do that. However what about sony, nintendo blah blah blah all of these have their fanboys their cultists but most people who use their products wouldnt be considered to be brainwashed, however because I use an apple I am? Thats just nonsense. I used to use a PC, working on flash and that crashed more than my apple doing the same shit.

    Its a preference. You like PC's fine and dandy, Im not gonna start bemaoning their inadequacies to you or talk about the cult of bill or whoever that shitehawk braying like a mentalist donkey was.

    Mac Vs PC the debate will go on for as long as they both co-exist. Just don't forget that Microsoft are out to make a fast buck too. They are in business to generate profit not to make everyones life easier. If they were they'd get rid of that piece of shit called word.


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