< why buy a mac?

Out of context: Reply #28

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  • Drno0

    Yeah yeah yeah, i remember that good ol thing that is called a virus,

    is it so hard to set up a firewall and an antivirii. are you guys that lazy to not even want to get more control over what you do.

    mac don't crash. i don't know how many time i had to reinstall cs2 these past months and i won't even talk about the frequent flash crashes, but no it just out of the box, just plug it and it works. do apple customer feel that disconnected from what is really going on in the computer world??

    right not i'm on an average pc, not fast, not too shiny (fariska gave it to me hehe thanx again) but good lord he is stable. never had a single problem-

    but some of you def take that whole computer thing too seriously. but don't realize that most of the apps out there are mostly develloped on pcs..


    it really makes me laugh everytime my boss tries to convince me that apple are so much better when obviously he never touched a pc since DOS eheh

    sad and he's the one with the shirt "I visited the mothership" how dorky is it

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