lights out london!

Out of context: Reply #7

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  • Nairn0

    That's just it though, Concrete - we'd be better off with real, unannounced and possibly lasting shortages. Kick us in to shape.

    I spent half an hour arguing with my housemate about those bloody patio heaters (after they were mentioned on London news). He, like 99% of the rest of the tabloid-reading classes, honestly couldn't give a shit.

    As long as he's comfortable - everything is A-OK.

    So, we either have spontaneous and substantial power outages, or the Rage virus, or me as dictator absolute. Otherwise, trying to slowly shift the weight of public self-contentment will be like trying to shift an oil tanker's course by dumping koala bears, puppies and small children in its way.

    Or something. I'm half asleep (from living by night, by the meek and feeble glow of my single power-saving light*).

    *alongside my two computers, with 3 monitors, none of which appear to be particularly power-saving.


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