
Out of context: Reply #15

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    sorry peeps...and sorry to anyone who is lucky enough to be playing there...that's a real big deal, so good luck.

    I live in Bristol, and it's that time of year...everyone is on about Glastonbury and it just does my nut in a bit. I get fed up of the post Glastonbury conversations finishing after the words "did you go to Glasto..." as folk show each other the scabby remnants of wrist bands...

    ...and....??? I just feel that alot of people only see as far as that...nothing further, if you didnt go, your as good as included in the Jade Goody brigade of social fuckwits.

    ...I don't want it rain either, I have just finished tidying my garden.

    ...and I think the London 2012 logo sucks...

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