Out of context: Reply #93

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  • Jaline0

    I know I wasn't into this film (which you can notice by my previous posts) ever since the first movie came out, and I went into the theatre with some pretty low expectations (although I knew about the huge budget). All I can say right now, is:




    The bad:

    - Too many characters to develop and it took away from the storyline.

    - The montages were funny at times, but they were also pretty lame and cheesy.

    - Waaaay too many cliché moments. Tying in with the point right above, the flag scene was lame. I get that Spidey was created a while back and the American nation and the symbolism, blah, blah, but a lot of it was just blatantly obvious. At least make it a bit more insightful.

    - Harry's butler coming out with the information that Peter didn't kill his father was so quick and random.

    - Peter and MJ's relationship.


    - Why do all the women have to be so lame and whiny? Except Gwen was ok (since she apologized to MJ).


    The okay/good:

    - I'd still do James Franco (Harry) in a heartbeat. He was awesome in this film. It was really obvious that he was going to die though. We can't have the Hob Goblin and Spidey being friends.

    - The special effects. The fight scenes were pretty good, and the villains were great. Definitely underdeveloped though, as many have said. The next film should be good since Venom will be central, although Tobey McGuire hasn't signed on for sure.

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