Dawkins @ TED

Out of context: Reply #69

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    Nairn: Virtually everything you've mentioned is the result of mankind's sin (since we are now talking theology). The Bible teaches that things are not as they were created. Further, God indeed has revealed himself to a multitude of brilliant people. Do you require a list of some of them? I'm happy to list them. They include scientists of all stripes. And God has revealed himself in the design of nature, not toast. Just examine the specified information (you might call it a programming code) in DNA. Or the machinery in the average cell. Or the process of photosynthesis. PHd's in Engineering and biochemistry marvel at such designs. Evidently you didn't get the memo about those though. There is also mind-brain conundrum and how/why we have a conscious and experience first person perspective, beauty, grief, etc... C'mon, open your eyes.

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