Dawkins @ TED

Out of context: Reply #63

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  • Nairn0

    If He's sloppy and inconsistent, show me where.

    (May 2 07, 07:11)

    Good lord, man - by the very fact that more people in this world believe in gods other than him? That, in his own countries, his best and brightest seemingly don't believe in him? That he only reveals himself to Portuguese peasants, or illiterate shepards in bronze/dark ages and hasn't, outside occasional appearances on toast and in wet-rot marks, revealed ANY overwhelming evidence of his existence during the recent hundred year span of history where his impact might have some viable worth?

    This kind of touches on the whole due-diligence argument - why should the onus be one me to discredit all your spurious suppositions, inferences and acceptances?

    Whatever, we all know this, as always, isn't going anywhere, nor can it do.

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