Photoshop Tips II

Out of context: Reply #19

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    mk. my fav shortcuts and shit that i do a lot. (i am a freak for hotkeys and shortcuts.)

    Ctrl + ] (or) Ctrl + [
    moves seleceted layer up or down one layer.

    when typing text with pallets hidden and in fullscreen mode, hit the enter key on the keyboard number pad with you thumb. that way your lazy ass doesnt even have to take your hand off the mouse.

    Ctrl + A then Ctrl + Shift + C copies all layers merged. then paste and you have that one merged layer to fuck with.
    i do this a lot and then Ctrl + I to invert that layer to see some interesting colors. this keeps me from getting in a rut in my design.

    Ctrl + J duplicates the layer you are on. ALWAYS use this if you are about to try something weird and dont wanna permanently fuck up your layer.

    "X" toggles your foreground and bg colors.

    TAB hides and shows all your open pallets.
    "F" toggles screen modes (fullscreen etc)

    Ctrl + U is incredibly useful. resaturate everything, desaturate everything, make a false duotone and preview it all as you tweek.
    Ctrl + B is incredibly useful for retouching very old photos. you can tweek colors to revamp old faded colors.

    i could go on, but my fingers are getting lazy and tired of typing.


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