another shooting

Out of context: Reply #643

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  • TheBlueOne0

    Look..many here think I'm pretty "lefty", and in some respects I am..but I certainly support the 2nd Amendment in the US Constitution - primarily on principle. I don't want the government to be the only ones able to be armed. That said, and I had a big heated argument with a dear anti-gun friend last night over this, I think there is no reason for the general populace to have military grade automatic weapons, handguns, armor piercing bullets and that there should be a mandatory four week waiting period for gun purchases of ALL kinds. The only reason for these weapons is to give NRA rednecks an excuse to go out into the woods and shoot up flaming discarded oil drums and dis "libruls" over a few beers.

    This kid was whacked out of his head - and the violence he perpetrated woulda happened regardless of gun laws - he would of gotten his hands on the weapons anyway I hate to say. Movies didn't cause this, video games didn't cause this, and gun laws didn't cause this - it's just plain old fucked up human crap.

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