tipping (!!!!)

Out of context: Reply #118

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  • gramme0

    Waiting tables should be mandatory for everyone in the US for at least 4 months directly following high school. Like mandatory military service in Israel. That way nobody would complain about tipping and this discussion would be over forever.

    If you tip less than 15%, you're really ripping off your server b/c more often than not they have to pay out a portion of their tips to bus boys, bartenders, and people like sommeliers at the nicer establishments. So, even if it's only 1% for everyone (and that's low), then your waiter keeps 13% or less of their tip money. That's why I always tip over 18%, usually upwards of 20% if they're halfway decent. Even the shitty servers are running their asses off on a busy Saturday night.

    The only way I would EVER stiff someone would be if they were outright rude. I once had a waitress forget to ring in our order, only to realize this 45 minutes later. She came and apologized, practically shitting herself and offering free dessert etc. etc. I felt sorry for her b/c she was obviously slammed, gave her 20%. It wasn't really any skin off my back, so whatever.

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