.net learning curb?

Out of context: Reply #4

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  • flavorful0

    .NET is more corporate than anything in that Microsoft "makes" companies pay per processor to run MSSQL (the DB that .NET [VB, C#]) off of each server.

    That is why MySQL/PHP programmers are so rampant with lovely folks like (MT) catering almost completely to them.

    Brinkster is a good cheap, viable hosting company that runs .NET (http://www.brinkster.com), but their DB are quite small (50MB) but the overage is not too bad.

    Just like anything you want to learn, what is the end result you want to achieve?

    Do you want to make dynamic websites for yourself and friends?

    I strongly suggest using MySQL/PHP.

    If you want to make in depth solutions, and think of this as a career move ... the market is always hot for .NET.

    * Takes off Microsoft hat.

    * Puts on Qoob hat.

    Just look at Krop:




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