
Out of context: Reply #24

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  • jox0

    sorry jox.

    utter bollocks.

    (Mar 28 07, 11:16)

    First of all - I've seen the "CGT" with my own eyes, my firm does work with Chicago Pictures. For everyone who thinks this was unintentional I can also say that the "Carrera GT" they crashed was a Toyota MR2 under the body. That was publicity stunt #1.

    As for number two, this particular crash we're discussing now - this was actually a real Enzo, however crashing a 750K usd car and get 250K usd worth of damages and gain what, 15 million worth of publicity in nearly every magazine, blog and forum in the world? The guy who floated that very idea is sitting 10 paces away from my desk.

    You want a copy of the pitch?

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