Global Warming a Scam?

Out of context: Reply #24

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  • mikotondria20

    The most rapid additions to atmospheric CO2 comes from vulcanism, with the majority of those in developing nations..
    Were George Bush and his cronies to pander to Michael Moore and Art Bell and their cronies and help these nations plug their volcanoes with concrete, used tires, etc, it would simply not work, and would like involve the death-by-combustion of thousands of potential migrant workers to the US, stalling the economy and causing a drop in the price of Willie Nelson's precious Biodiesel, as well as an unrelated fall in sales of his country music albums..
    Bolstered by the distraction of the global Liberal media oligarcy, and the fact that more than half the most intelligent able-minded people under 40 are at home play Tom Clancey's 'War Volcology IX', in which volco-terrorists dispose of the worlds supply of concrete and tyres in a poorly advised Whitehouse scheme to plug 3rd world volcanoes and bring about economic collapse, instead of looking out the fucking window and possibly think about doing something other than blogging, playing fucking playstation, wearing 'Emo' haircuts, whatever the fuck they are, then we might just have half a rat's assed chance, but I fear not.

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