What is Love?

Out of context: Reply #21

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  • johndiggity0

    love |l?v|
    1 an intense feeling of deep affection : babies fill parents with intense feelings of love | their love for their country. • a deep romantic or sexual attachment to someone : it was love at first sight | they were both in love with her | we were slowly falling in love. • (Love) a personified figure of love, often represented as Cupid. • a great interest and pleasure in something : his love for football | we share a love of music. • affectionate greetings conveyed to someone on one's behalf. • a formula for ending an affectionate letter : take care, lots of love, Judy. 2 a person or thing that one loves : she was the love of his life | their two great loves are tobacco and whiskey. • Brit., informal a friendly form of address : it's all right, love. • ( a love) Brit., informal used to express affectionate approval for someone : don't fret, there's a love. 3 (in tennis, squash, and some other sports) a score of zero; nil : love fifteen | he was down two sets to love. [ORIGIN: apparently from the phrase play for love (i.e., the love of the game, not for money); folk etymology has connected the word with French l'oeuf ‘egg,’ from the resemblance in shape between an egg and a zero.]

    verb [ trans. ]
    feel a deep romantic or sexual attachment to (someone) : do you love me? • like very much; find pleasure in : I'd love a cup of tea, thanks | I just love dancing | [as adj., in combination ] ( -loving) a fun-loving girl.

    ...just a word.

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