Girls' Guys' Night In

Out of context: Reply #80

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  • 23kon0

    - lots of beer
    - get abnoxiously drunk
    - get some cocaine to fuel everyones aggrivation levels
    - while playing the playstation have your tunes turned up rediculously loud, turn the bass up to full.
    - have someone as the designated 'DJ' or take turns
    - when your neighbours come round to complain about the noise, dont succumb to their requests but instead get your hardest of friends to pick a fight with them
    - when the police come round, pretend you think the cop is the stripper you ordered and chant "get your kit off" to him and even try for some gropes.
    - finish your 'night in' about 5am when you all crash in sleeping bags on the living room floor
    - wake up with someones feet near your face, fall over some berr bottles and realise what a state the place is in.

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