Am I being rude?

Out of context: Reply #12

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  • kelpie0

    my pals comment on the BBC website article abut foreign call centres:

    "My experience of foreign call centres has been very positive. Admiral insurance, who've had a base in india for years, are consistently rapid to
    answer your call and provide excellent service. Alliance & Leicester, who pride themselves on answering their phones from Liverpool or Lytham or wherever,
    always take 5 minutes to answer and, when they do pick up the phone, put you straight on hold then give you some horrific attitudinal back-chat. Give me a
    well-educated, articulate, intelligent person in Mumbai over an intellectually sub-normal whining dullard in the uk any day, please.

    People who have a problem
    with different accents are narrow minded xenophobes; they should be taken out into the street and shot."

    a few days later good old "freedom of speech" Beeb edited his comment to read as:

    "My experience of foreign call centres has been very positive. Admiral insurance, who've had a base in india for years, are consistently rapid to answer your call and provide excellent service. Alliance & Leicester, who pride themselves on answering their phones from Liverpool or Lytham or wherever, always take 5 minutes to answer and, when they do pick up the phone, put you straight on hold then give you some horrific attitudinal back-chat. Give me a well-educated, articulate, intelligent person in Mumbai over an intellectually sub-normal whining dullard in the uk any day, please. People who have a problem with different accents are narrow minded xenophobes."

    fucking dicks.

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