Folio site redesign

Out of context: Reply #9

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  • kelpie0

    right, I'll try to express this in a way that doesn't come out as total nonsense, but be warned it may well do...

    if I was going to be putting lots of new stuff up all the time and couldn't predict infallibly the amount of items in menus, images I'd want to show, project categories or anything really that could be termed as variable content (that is, aside from your header graphic, or stuff like that) - I'd be tempted to keep things traveling in a vertical direction on the page, and not to arrange elements depending on horizontal alignment across the page - this has biffed me out on many occasions with content managed sites; you design something harmonious in what, to you, seems a logical way to arrange elements on a page for communicative purposes, then once the thing takes on its own life, those element begin to push outside your initial size boundaries - an image may be bigger than intended, or two extra lines of text make a content block break form its alignment with a consecutive element.

    that's why left hand navs work so well, that why scrollies work so well etc - for me you'd be better looking at improving your current set up than going for something like the chase, notice how they have no opportunity to show any print work at a larger size, or really focus on anything? there's a guy on here has a great site, mr mick or somthing, have a look at that.

    sorry for the horribly long post and gobbledegook - good luck with your site, you're work deserves a really good place to be seen :)

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