drop down menus

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  • DragKng0

    Drop down menus... and particularly the side scrolling types are not very accessible.

    1- older people and people who may have trouble using mice (for whatever reason) can get frustrated, and may not be able to navigate. We younguns take it for granted that we can hold steady and click and drag all at the same time.

    2- for purposes of accessibity again, many disabled users have javascript (if it's a jscript menu) turned off by default... if there is no other way to access sub pages... well you know

    3- most screen readers cannot read those menus

    I would check the W3C as well...

    some CSS based dropdown menus are not horrible for accessibility as they are usually only hidden from sighted users. I do find these slower. IF the client is set on using them I would recommend ones that you use CSS menus with a click to open style.

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