
Out of context: Reply #2

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  • spl33nidoru0

    Exactly what JoshClancy said.

    One more thing, be careful with clients who suspiciously treat you like a friend or like you're part of the team and end up asking for things here and there, like you're expected to do them the favor.

    Be nice but make sure that you charge for everything you do. There can be friendship in work as long as there's respect for each other's work and time.

    Favors to demanding clients is the best way for your freelance experience to miserably fail, more so in NYC. Believe me, my stupid kindness has jeopardized my financial and work situation way too many times, repeatedly bringing me back to square one while everybody was moving forward, benefiting from my work.

    Also, be very strict when it comes to timelines (even with yourself), even more when it's pro bono work. These free gigs can end up taking MUCH longer than you first expected, and you'll often learn that people only give a shit about your work/time when they pay for it. The less they pay, the more they expect and the more they take for granted.

    Last thing, be careful to not underestimate the time something is gonna take you. Client says "it's JUST this" or "I JUST need that" and you can be sure it's gonna take 3 times as long as you first thought.

    Best thing to do is to never give direct answers when it comes to money or time, but instead always get back to them with a proposal once you have all the cards in your hand and have been able to really estimate things for yourself.

    Sounds pretty negative :)
    Freelance in NY is great but you gotta learn to protect yourself or it can really quickly turn into a nightmare with you working 24/7 with no time left for anything else and without even being able to pay your rent.

    Good luck!

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