black designers/artists/creatives

Out of context: Reply #97

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  • cinder0

    "on the otherhand i think its retarded to compare a black history month with the japanese history month... one is a race the other a nationality."

    Black is not a race.

    The problem I see is that every single person of color is lumping themselves into the "Black" bucket. That's not a race! That's a skin color.

    I would be much more excited with "Nigerian History Month" or "Botswana History Month" or even "South African Blacks who kicked South African White Man's ass in South Africa" month.

    Not all "black" people come from Africa!
    It's like calling the French, German, Norwegians, Swedes, Dutch, and Greek, etc all "Europeans" and not differentiating the cultures.

    People need to find out where the f*** they came from.
    If there family immigrated from Jamaica then they can't talk about how the white man kept them down! They're a completely different people group.

    Anyway: 1/4 Native America, 3/4 White-ness power!

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