Bombs Over Boston

Out of context: Reply #42

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  • tommyo0

    This is shameful. My brother was a bomb squad tech in the Air Force. Those guys are under unimaginable stress as it is and now latte sipping advertising assholes want to plant fake bombs throughout major cities.

    The only reason that this campaign gained traction is BECAUSE of so many peoples fear of terrorist bombs. If there wasn't the fear, who knows if this would have worked. So now it's good advertising to capitalize on someones fear of imminent death? Or jam people up on the freeway while they blow up someones 'ad campaign' to render it safe?

    'right or wrong... stupid or not... Cartoon Network is getting a lot of free ink....

    (Jan 31 07, 15:44)'

    You're a complete idiot. You're the guy that when someone talks about a stupid ad you pipe up and say 'Well you're talking about it now aren't you, so they did their job!' If I threw warm runny shit in your face infront of 30 people, they'd all tell at least 5 people what they just saw ... so how many people would have been enveloped into my campaign = 180 people would think I'm an asshole, but they'd be talking about that's successful! I'm now a successful asshole!! KICK ASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! That means that they'll all come to my birthday party right fucko?

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