do i?

Out of context: Reply #11

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  • madirish0


    i have been in this same position you two (ken and arthur - oh, btw ,i am going to oahu and maui tomorrow for 10 days arthur :) too many times. when it rains it pours. i am sure you are off NT by now ken (good move), but incase you are not, my expereince says;

    - sleep. it will only make (if nothing else) your clarity in how to acomplish everything else better.

    - those who are interested, but not for sure, explain what the situation is, and see let them know it will be an extra day, etc to get your stuff to them. deliver to those you have already, convince those you do not that you will.

    - do not do half ass job on something just to do the same on the next to 'complete' it all. your quality of creative and delivery are what distinguish you, keep to that.

    - talk to them. we are all mammals, communication is key.

    good luck, mang! :)

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