Pet hates

Out of context: Reply #137

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  • Jaline0

    - moth, I also hate that umbrella thing. People just don't know how to walk on sidewalks with umbrellas. I have to hold my umbrella higher sometimes so that I don't poke someone's eyeball out, but usually I'm the one getting maimed.

    I also dislike PEOPLE WHO:

    - think they are superior because they don't watch television or think all television is garbage.

    - sneeze or cough or smoke in your face.

    - pick their scabs.

    - have news anchor / radio show voices (depending)

    - who talk with their mouth full constantly

    - cut in front of other people in line. If some friends pre-planned having one friend come earlier to save a spot for others, it's okay, as long as there aren't like 20 people you saved a spot for.

    - spend tons of money on their animals.

    - don't open the OTHER door and instead all go through one door when walking in a hallway.

    - walk with like 5 friends on a sidewalk or hallway and they're all in a horizontal line so you can't pass them.

    - consistently aren't coherent or don't have any syntax ability, particularly over the internet. And English is their first language.

    - who don't signal when driving.

    - have ridiculous haircuts or because they're balding, decide to grow everything else out really long and it's all scraggly.

    - who are extreme Republicans or extremely Left-wing, but moreso when it comes to those Republicans.

    - big people who wear REALLY tight clothing, girls who look like they've gone through the slut-o-matic, and guys who have really low pants on. It looks ridiculous, people.

    - are tailgaters

    - take out their frustrations on you after you ask them a question at the shopping mall / store.

    - get on the bus before everyone on the bus has a chance to get off the bus. also people who are rude to the bus driver.

    - wear their pyjamas to class and you know they haven't showered for a while.


    - having to go somewhere early in the morning and not having enough time to get ready (such as when your entire family needs to take a shower so you have to wait a few hours, and then get blamed for being "late").

    - excessively crowded areas.

    - having to do an extra chore or errand that I wasn't planning on doing, and it's going to mess up everything else I have to do that day.

    - the sun shining on my face

    - those ballerina-type shoes (or flats) that always fall off so you have to buy something like sticky adhesive to make them stay on properly.

    - tofu

    - using ice in a drink that's already cold and you know it's going to taste like water (or crap) within minutes because it's from a fast food establishment.

    - answering or having to use the phone.

    - being broke

    - traffic

    - having to carry a damn purse everywhere

    - professors who don't know my name after months of being in their class, even though there are only 10 people in the class and it's the only class the professor teaches.

    - people who randomly look through the things in my room, even after I tell them I don't have something.

    - laugh tracks


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