stop the pot!

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  • 23kon0

    you dont need any other drugs like welbutrin or paxil to help you stop like Soler suggested, just a bit of willpower and changing of habbits.

    like if your usual evening is going round to a mates while everyone sits smoking, stop going round!

    if you smoke it just to pass the evenings away then find yourself something else to do. start a new project.

    Its easy enough to give up the weed. its the tobacco thats the hardest part. nicotine patches might help you. and to give your hands something to do ... when you feel you need to skin up, eat a bit of fruit instead.

    I cut out the weed a few months back and havent touched it since.
    On the smoking front (cos im a smoker anyway) ive managed to cut out the cigs id normally have during the day at work by eating fruit or if i need a break from being in front of the computer il go and stand outside and eat a bit of fruit or go for a wee walk.
    im only down to a few rollyups a night which im well chuffed with.
    im cutting them down and plan to be a nonsmoker for the new year :)

    good luck mate, a bit of willpower is all thats needed if you truly want to give up


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