Friday Squirrel Fun

Out of context: Reply #20

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  • fooler0

    this cop that nabbed the furry beast arrested me many many times as a juvie...

    There are cases where squirrels have gone on rampages and terrorized whole communities. In Westerville, Ohio, more than one gray squirrel attacked at least eight people. The furry suspects with beady eyes had taken over a tree-lined neighborhood, and no one felt safe. Police once had to set up traps, send out patrols, and even corner suspects in the county park, but no arrests were ever made; police were unable to nab any of the suspected squirrels. One officer, while on patrol, witnessed an attack. The squirrel appeared friendly but suddenly leaped at the victim and bit her leg. Unprovoked attacks like this lasted two weeks during the spring, then suddenly ended as quickly as they began. This case remains a mystery to this day, but like many unsolved cases, it may have a lot to do with spring and hormones.

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