Internet justice!

Out of context: Reply #21

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  • k0na_an0k0

    so is everyone in this thread saying that i should turn each of you in for whatever "sin" you admit to committing be it smoking pot, cheating on your girl, whatever?

    so you are all completely cool paying tickets issued to you by a camera?

    i thought the fun in life was getting away with things

    an internet full of tattletales is not where i want to be.

    i'm also assuming none of you have ever sped either :/

    because 10 miles or 70 miles over the speed limit is still an accident waiting to happen and a reason for a cop to pull you over.
    (Dec 4 06, 10:43)

    i see your point. with these guys i just think they're dumbasses. but i can see if i were a parent and often traveled with my kid(s) in the car i'd probably be pissed at morons like this too, and would like to see them off the street so they don't kill anyone.

    and turning someone in for smoking pot. i thought about that the other day. how easy would that be?!? i mean, all a guy has to do is say piss off a member here really bad. maybe falsely accuse them of something, then instead of an apology they say 'go fuck yourself'. or something. how easy would it be to anonymously post to some crime stoppers site info about said person? talk about internet justice.

    but anyways. i see your point, but a few years ago while i was driving on the expressway some guy ripped past me on his bike who had to be doing 150+. i was doing 70 and he passed me like i was standing still. i never even saw him coming. the thing that really scared me was just a second or two before he passed i was going to switch into that lane. if i did i would have for sure killed him.... for his own mistake. and in a court of law even though he was doing 150-170 i would have been to blame. that sucks.

    or what if he swerved to miss me and hit another car head on killing the people inside?

    smoke dope in your own house? fine. do 160+ on a highway when i'm on it. not fine.

    ya know?

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