stealing from work

Out of context: Reply #74

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  • lilbabyleg0

    I used to work at this place where the whole office got laid off. I was shocked at the thievery and chaos. Common people became frenzied thieves. People were walking off with G4s and raid drives, the microwave... and the fucking Dreamcast! I was disgusted by it all!

    mainly because I got in late that day not knowing, and there was barely anything left for me to grab! Punks. I did make off with a laptop though... and a breakfast tray.

    If it's not a company wide layoff you might do well by ratting her out... Cuz now you look pretty guilty since you switched machines... that wasn't a smart move actually. Your only choice may be to come clean.

    Otherwise if it was a company wide layoff, just let it go. They didn't even escort you guys with security guards? That's how our company fucked up.

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