stealing from work

Out of context: Reply #66

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  • exador0

    from Toronto Canada..
    the only place i've EVER seen or heard 'nameen' is here on NT

    at first i was 'what the fuck does that mean?'
    then i guess i just got used to seeing it here..
    and today, for the first time, iv'e used it twice...


    anyhow..all of us at one time or another have taken some paper or a pen from the office..
    thats no big deal..
    and disks?
    same thing..

    but for hardware, and things like that, that have to be accounted for, ...
    thats pretty much the kind of stuff people take notice of, once it's gone missing..
    and all they have to do is ask your buddy who the serial was assigned to, and bingo...
    a little call it placed...and your name comes up...

    good for you, for making sure your name stays well away from that sort of thing..
    plus, like you said, you want to keep your name good with these folks for freelance stuff right?

    this'll go a long way for putting your name in a good light..

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