stealing from work

Out of context: Reply #31

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  • exador0

    and i just wanna say, in most cases i do agree with dopepope..
    don't rat your friends, and keep your mouth shut is always pretty good advice..
    except when that friend is obviously leaving you in the lurch..
    if its all above board, and can't be traced to you, and the friend took care to make sure that YOU don't get pinched for their crime..then hells ya...NEVER rat them out..
    like i said..
    if this chick is all, oh..don't worry about it..
    but meanwhile doesn't seem to mind that the serial numbers are gonna lead em on a trail STRAIGHT to you????
    that aint much of a friend..

    she should atleast give some kind of a shit for the postion this leaves you in...

    and by the way shellie..
    what the hell is wheat pasting?

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