Rough Trade Digital

Out of context: Reply #14

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  • 25 Responses
  • Tara0

    Prev Respond OK, having played with it a little more, I have the following to say..

    - I never need go to Covent Garden again! das über-w00t!

    - I appreciate this was probably their decision, but the absolute distinction between digital and everything else is a little annoying - I see Rough Trade as a discrete entity and would appreciate being told that "Whilst we don't have any downloadable items from this Artist available yet, we do have CDs/Vinyl/Cassettes/ 8 Tracks in our store.. would you like to see them?". can get away with this as it is clear that they are a distinct brand/site.

    - I wish the distinctions between the 'rack', 'wall' and 'counter' were a little more obvious. I can see their logic, but as a punter, it's a little confusing to distinguish between them all - perhaps some graphical embellishment/ rollover js info boxes might aid my stupid, ignorant brain?

    - Search result listings should include date of release and order search results by this, maybe? (ie. I'd like to see the latest release at top) Also, search listings should link through to search result, not filter again. (ie. if I search for 'A Guy Called Gerald', clicking anywhere on the resultant listing should take me straight through - not again search for 'A Guy Called Gerald' results when i click on the artist title)

    - more colour/embellishment / font size variety, please (hey, I know you know that i know you'd know i'd say that, y'know?)

    - yes, I appreciate that you didn't actually 'do' this site, so I'm wasting my time here.

    - i should start doing, rather than always just criticising.

    - i like wasting my time.

    - you don't like me any more, do you?

    - you never did?!

    Christ, just enjoy it, I am!!!!!!!!!

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