getting out of bed

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  • Jaline0

    I usually get around 7 - 8 hours of sleep per night, except on Wednesday nights (b/c I have to get up around 5am and I'm usually working on an essay until about 1am so I only get 4 hours of sleep).

    So getting the 7-8 most nights is not too shabby at all, but I find that it still sucks to get out of bed either way. I always get up earlier when I have a free day or something exciting is going on, but during those work and school days I really don't want to get out of bed. Also, if I'm not in a deep sleep (like those 4-hours-of-sleep nights) then I feel so much better when getting out of bed, but of course you feel like shit by lunchtime.

    It's hard to get out of bed but for me, once I force myself to get out, I'm out and I can't really get back into bed.

    Thanks for that clocky link, looks like it could actually work for some people.

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