Hell Client

Out of context: Reply #44

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  • jonandress0

    I think it is best to have a couple of approaches worked out to fit the client and the situation.....ususally either
    50% upfront %50 on completion, 3 thirds, or monthly retainer.

    Usually I develop on my server and dont migrate it to their server until the check clears.

    Also I created a component that I drop into flash files that checks the date and causes various behaviors to occur depending on how late the client is. 30 days it has javascript alerts that say "please contact your devloper concerning your account", @ 45 days it says "The balance for this website is significantly past due. Please contact your developer" and the last straw just redirects the browser to :

    You just have to make sure people know and agree to up front what measures you take to ensure getting paid.

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